"John Wayne Gacy: Defending a Monster" was written by Sam Amirante who was one of Gacy's defense lawyers during his trial. The book begins by going into detail about Gacy's final victim and murder and then goes into detail about Gacy's life story. Then the book tells the story of the police investigation and the eventual trial. The story of the police investigation was fascinating. The police had searched his house several times and followed him for months but couldn't find any evidence that he had done anything wrong. What ended up turning the investigation around was a receipt from a set of pictures to be developed that they found in Gacy's garbage. From that one receipt the police detectives were able to prove that the last victim had been at Gacy's house. If they hadn't investigated where the receipt came from he might still be free.
Where the book got interesting for me was during the trial. Before he was apprehended by the police, John Wayne Gacy confessed his crimes to Sam Amirante in his office late one night. Sam Amirante knew he was defending a dangerous serial killer. The book gets into the question that I've often asked myself, "how could anyone defend someone like that in a trial? Especially if you knew they were guilty?"
Sam Amirante answers this question in a very patriotic american way. In his opinion the american system of justice is the greatest system developed in the entire world. Where even a dangerous serial killer can get a fair trial. He makes it very clear that he had no intention of trying to set Gacy free, or getting him off in some way. That wasn't his job. His job was to make sure his client was treated fairly, that the rule of the law was followed, and that Gacy got the sentence he deserved. This book really did make me rethink the role of the defense lawyer in our justice system.
What was also fascinating to me was how the book ended. Sam Amirante ended up being a judge and only recently retired. While he was a judge he fought to change the laws and procedures for how police departments investigate missing children cases. One of the difficulties facing police during their investigations of Gacy was that police departments had to wait 72 hours before beginning a search for a missing person. Judge Sam Amirante fought to have this changed in the case of minors. Ultimately his hard work for this cause ended up creating our current Amber Alert system. At the end of the book he argues that this was a direct result of being involved in the Gacy case and seeing a flaw in the system. Police had to have the ability to look for missing children right away. He ends the book by stating that Gacy's victims didn't die in vain because of this. Thus, this book about one of the most horrible killers in history, ended with a reflective and positive note. If you are interested in a true crime story that much more to offer I would highly recommend this book.