Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Harry Potter Countdown

In less than 10 days, the final installment of the Harry Potter series will finally be in my hands. Like so many others, I have been anxiously awaiting both the movie and the book. The security and secrecy surrounding the book just add to the excitement. Speculations about which character will die in the last book are everywhere. Many people think it's going to be Harry, Daniel Radcliffe included, but I hope not.

Although I am itching to get my hands on that book, part of me is a little sad that it will all be over soon. I have come to love the characters and their magical world, and will be sad they won't continue. Also, it's so much fun when this many people get so excited about a book. I'm not sure we will ever see this level of excitement over a book again. So many people are upset about the ending of the series that British bookseller Waterstone's has started a petition to save Harry, stating "We, the undersigned, petition J K Rowling to write more new adventures for Harry Potter and his friends no matter what happens at the end of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows." I will be signing that petition, for sure. At least we have two more movies to look forward to.

J.K. Rowling will be giving her only TV interview with NBC's Meredith Vieira. The interview will air on NBC's Today Show on Thursday, July 26th and Friday, July 27th, and in a one-hour special on NBC's Dateline on Sunday, July 29th.

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