Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Chicago Ranks 40 as Most Literate City

That heading is not meant to be boastful. The recent study of America's Most Literate City ranked Chicago as #40 (out of 69), down from #39 in 2006. The study ranks cities with populations greater than 250,000 by their support for and commitment to reading. Indicators used in ranking cities are newspaper circulation, number of bookstores, library resources, periodical publishing resources, educational attainment and internet resources. Minneapolis was ranked #1. We were even beat by Milwaukee. Come on Chicago! Get it together!


Ady Grafovna said...

Where was the ranking? I would like to see the list?

I am Ady, by the way. I subscribe to your blog on my google reader and I always enjoy your posts. =)

Melissa said...

Hi Ady! Thanks for reading! The study was done by Central Connecticut State University. Here is the link for the 2007 study:

You can also look at the previous years' studies.