Monday, August 27, 2007

Books vs. Movies

Over the weekend I saw the eagerly anticipated (by me) movie, The Nanny Diaries. The movie is based on the novel by Emma McLaughlin and Nicola Kraus. I absolutely loved this book, and while the movie was fun and entertaining, I didn't like it as much as the book. It seems that most movies released these days are based on books and in most cases, I enjoy the book much more than the movie. Even the Harry Potter movies, which I love, still don't live up to the books, in my opinion. There have been a few exceptions to this: The Painted Veil, Under the Tuscan Sun and North and South (the BBC movie based on the novel by Elizabeth Gaskell, not that Patrick Swayze-Civil War movie) are the only movies I can think of that I've liked more than the books. I'm still deciding on the Lord of the Rings trilogy. I've never actually read those books (GASP!), but I'm listening to the audio version now. I loved the movies, so I find myself frequently comparing the two. Maybe it just has to do with which version you experience first.

P.S. During the previews before The Nanny Diaires, a preview for the Kite Runner was shown. When I first heard they were making a movie based on one of my favorite novels, I swore to myself I wouldn't see it. I don't think I could bear to see the story changed in any way, and I'm not sure they will be able to convey the emotion I felt when reading the book. But I have to admit, it looks really good and I'm not sure I'll be able to resist.

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