Thursday, April 14, 2011

High on Books

I was browsing at my local Barnes and Noble recently, looking for books on urban farming and noticed a book about growing marijuana. I didn't think much of it until I began seeing more and more books on this topic as I continued to browse. There must have been about 8-10 different books on how to grow marijuana! It seemed like an unusually high number for this topic. Do we really have that much demand for DIY weed books in my suburb? Then I was catching up on back issues of PW and saw an article "Publishers High on Marijuana Books" in the March 14th issue. Apparently marijuana is one of the hot new trends in publishing. Here are just a few of the books you can expect to see soon: Growgirl by Heather Donahue. A memoir of her attempt at marijuana farming after her acting career ended. Marijuanamerica by Ryan Nerz. A look at the pot industry from a lifelong "marijuana enthusiast." Trimming Bud by Doug Grad, Heart of Dankness by Mark Haskell, Reefer Gladness by Michael Konik, War in the Woods by John Nores Jr. and James A. Swan, Pot of Gold and Stash by Greg Campbell. Growgirl sounds like it could be fun. It may be similar to some of the urban farming memoirs I have enjoyed. Don't worry--I'll stick to just growing veggies!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

This is too funny. You're right, it's definitely on topic. I just read this really fascinating article on HuffPo last night about the carbon footprint left behind by indoor marijuana farming. With the obvious hippie associations of the drug, I found it both alarming and super ironic...

Check it out: