Monday, March 10, 2008

The Fake Memoirist's Survival Guide

With all the fraudulent memoirs coming to light recently, Slate gives us The Fake Memoirist's Survival Guide.

1 comment:

Vicky said...

There was a fake Holocaust memoir several years ago called Fragments by Binjamin Wilkomirski, who was supposedly a child survivor. People became suspicious of his story and after investigating, found he was someone else entirely. However, he insists that the story it true. There are a couple of books about him and his hoax.

One interesting sidelight to this was a woman who went to a Child Survivor's reunion where he was speaking (before his exposure) and claimed to have known him in the camps. They supposedly shared memories. It was later discovered that HER Holocaust story was false. She had also previously claimed to be a child survivor of Satanic ritual and written a book and was also exposed as a fraud in that case.