Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Mental Note- Avoid Writing Books About Exes

Along with a large percentage of the 20-30 something female population, I've been known to read snarky humor books written by other women. These books often focus on the status of the author's love life, previous relationships, and awful trips to the mall/salon/Mexico/high school reunion/dance club/family dinner. I cringe when I see an awful first date approaching and I sympathize when an ex-boyfriend says something inappropriate post breakup. That being said, I was immediately drawn to My Boyfriend Wrote A Book About Me by Hilary Winston. The book is nonfiction, and as you may have guessed, starts out with a story about how the author's ex-boyfriend wrote a book seemingly based on their 5 year relationship. Let's just say, it was not a flattering portrayal.
The dedication of My Boyfriend Wrote A Book About Me says "This book is dedicated to anyone who has ever had their heart broken. And dreamed of getting the tiniest slice of revenge. And didn't do it because they were worried they'd look crazy. I'm taking this bullet for you. You're welcome." That's basically the summary of the stories in this book. Winston writes chapter after chapter of hilarious, cringe-worthy stories about ex-boyfriends and you can't help but get sucked into reading every last page. In addition to the dirty details about her former flames, Winston writes with enough self deprecation that you don't feel like she's being unfair to any of her targets. I'd give you more details but they aren't quite appropriate for a library blog. While this book may not be short listed for any awards this year, I'd absolutely recommend it to Chelsea Handler fans and those looking for a read that is maybe a touch bitter but definitely quick and funny.

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