Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Don't quit the gym!

Last week I was talking about reading resolutions, and apparently I'm not the only one that makes them. This writer for the Guardian made a resolution to quit her gym membership, and with the money saved, she is going purchase a subscription to an audiobook service so she can download books to her MP3 player, and then walk to work while listening to books. Apparently this writer does not have access to a library-or maybe her library just isn't as cool as ours. The Deerfield Public Library has a subscription to NetLibrary, which allows you to download books to your MP3 player for free! There is a wide variety of books-from classics to all the latest in fiction and non-fiction. So you can still keep your gym membership, and have books to listen to while working out! We also have plenty of audiobooks on CDs, for those of you still lugging around a portable CD player (like me). And, keep your eyes out for an ingenious little device called a Playaway, that should be arriving in the library very soon. A Playaway is a small device-about the size of a small MP3 player- that has one audiobook preloaded on it. There is no downloading required. Just pop in a battery and your headphones and press play. It's very easy to use and very portable-I absolutely love them and cannot wait until they arrive!

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