Sunday, January 13, 2008

Thomas Jefferson has a LibraryThing account

I love LibraryThing and have been using it for a while to keep track of the books I read. LibraryThing is also a social site that allows you to join discussion groups, chat about books and look at what everyone else is reading. A group on LibraryThing that calls itself the "I See Dead People ['s Books]" group has created an account for Thomas Jefferson. They have cataloged 4,889 of the books in his own personal library, as well as added his comments and tagged each item using his own classification system. They have also completed libraries for Tupac Shakur and Mozart and are building libraries for Ernest Hemingway, Benjamin Franklin, and William Faulkner. It's pretty neat. LibraryThing even shows you what books you share in common with other members. Sadly, Thomas Jefferson and I have no books in common. I do have books in common with Ernest Hemingway, though! He and I both have Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights in our libraries. I feel so literate.

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