Thursday, January 3, 2008

Reading Resolutions

Happy 2008! I don't really make New Year's resolutions anymore. No more resolutions to exercise, eat right, take vitamins, less road rage, etc. They never last long and I end up feeling like a failure. The only resolutions I do make have to do with reading. It's the only thing I have a chance at succeeding at. My resolution for 2007 was simply to read more (duh). After reviewing my reading list for 2007, I found that I read 125 books over the year! My first successful resolution! I also resolved to read more in genres I don't normally read, which I accomplished (sort of) by reading two science fiction books by Isaac Asimov. So, for 2008 I'm going to:
1.) renew my resolution to read more and try to top 125
2.) read the books that are already on my shelf instead of buying more books
3.) read a challenging book that I've been putting off, such as Rushdie's Satanic Verses, Follett's The Pillars of the Earth, or anything by Hemingway
4.) read a James Patterson book (I've never actually read any of his books, and I feel like I probably shouldn't poo poo him until I've actually read one of his books)

What are your reading resolutions for 2008?

1 comment: said...

Well, I am absolutely impressed:

1) that you have read 125 books last year.

2) that you actually kept track of all those books so that you could count them!

As to your resolutions, I applaud them. For James Patterson, I would recommend any of his Alex Cross series, I feel they are the best of his writing.

Hemingway is one of my favorite writers and my favorite among his books is actually a memoir entitled: A Moveable Feast.

I noted your mention of McCall Smith's 'Love over Scotland', I've read most of his other books and can't wait to read this one as well.

Thanks and Happy New Year!
