Thursday, January 24, 2008

Geraldine Brooks on People of the Book

Terry, one of our fantastic readers' advisers, recently attended a talk by Geraldine Brooks on her latest novel, People of the Book. Here's what she had to say:

How lucky can you be to hear one of your favorite authors discuss her most recent novel!!! Geraldine Brooks, an Aussie, former reporter, winner of the Pulitzer Prize, and author of People of the Book, talked of her circuitous route which led her to hear of and finally write a novel about the famed Sarajevo Haggadah. This illuminated codex was probably scribed in 15th century Spain and made its way to Sarajevo, surviving inquisitions and wars. Brooks finds her voice through an Australian book conserver, Hannah Heath, who examines the Haggadah and finds stains in the text, artifacts in the binding, and the absence of a clasp on the book. Brooks weaves these into stories and takes us on the journey of the Haggadah traveling from Spain to Sarajevo. This was a great read and like all Brooks' fiction, beautifully written. Can't wait for Brooks' next novel which will be about the first Native American who graduated from Harvard in... Guess the date.... Nope, it was 1666.

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